Super nieuws! De oma van Pipo & Cleo is in januari 2015 negatief getest op HCM, dit jaar word oma al 7 jaar! Oma woont in Moskou bij Marina Komolova/Marlen. Ik mag de test op mijn website plaatsen van de eigenaresse. De test is in het russisch, Gelukkig heb ik in mijn straat een behulpzame Russische buurvrouw waardoor ik weet wat er in de test beschreven staat, in het kort; "haar hart is niet veranderd in waardes, alles ziet er mooi en gezond uit, ze heeft geen HCM"
Super news! The grandmother of Pipo & Cleo was tested in January 2015 negative for HCM, this year grandmother become already 7 years old! Grandma lives in Moscow at Marina Komolova/Marlen. I have permission off the owner to place the test on my website. The test is in Russian, luckily I have in my street a helpful Russian neighbour so I know what's described in the test, in short; "her heart is not changed in values, everything looks nice and healthy, she has NO HCM"
Super news! The grandmother of Pipo & Cleo was tested in January 2015 negative for HCM, this year grandmother become already 7 years old! Grandma lives in Moscow at Marina Komolova/Marlen. I have permission off the owner to place the test on my website. The test is in Russian, luckily I have in my street a helpful Russian neighbour so I know what's described in the test, in short; "her heart is not changed in values, everything looks nice and healthy, she has NO HCM"